Adam Provan: Former Metropolitan Police officer jailed for 16 years for raping woman and girl


Adam Provan: Former Metropolitan Police officer jailed for 16 years for raping woman and girl

Former Metropolitan Police officer Adam Provan has been jailed for 16 years – with another eight years on extended licence for multiple rapes against a teenage girl and a female police officer.

The 44-year-old was convicted in June of six counts of rape of a fellow police officer between 2003 and 2005.

He was also found guilty of two counts of rape of a 16-year-old girl, who he met on a blind date after lying about his age in 2010.

Judge Noel Lucas said he was troubled by the way the Met handled the female police officer’s initial complaints about Provan’s behaviour in 2005.

He said those who dealt with the complaints at the Met “were more concerned with looking after one of their own than taking her seriously” – and had an investigation been taken forward, the teenage victim may have been spared.

Sentencing Provan at Wood Green Crown Court, the judge said he displayed a “cold-blooded entitlement to sex” then immediately behaved as if everything was “completely normal”.

He concluded that the “persistence and seriousness” of Provan’s offending was clear, adding: “By your actions, you brought disgrace on the police force.”

Provan was a serving officer in the Met Police East Area Command Unit at the time of the offences.

He was jailed for nine years in 2018 after being convicted of raping the 16-year-old victim following a retrial – and served three years and three months in prison before a successfully appeal.

When his case was sent for a third trial in May, six new counts of rape were added – relating to earlier offences against the serving Metropolitan Police officer.

On the first day of a two-day sentencing hearing, it was revealed that Provan had 751 female contacts in his mobile.

Prosecutor Anthony Metzer KC said details from the phone “strongly suggested” there was sexual activity with the women, many of whom were young.

Mr Metzer said Provan used his position to gain the trust of young women and had “aspects of a Jekyll and Hyde character”.

He added that Provan had an “extended history of allegations” of sexual misconduct dating back to the 1990s.

Speaking at the court from behind a screen, the teenage victim, who is now in her 20s, said: “The day I met Adam Provan changed my life forever.

“No prison sentence will take away the harm Adam Provan has caused me. No amount of justice will make me forget the date from hell.

“Even though I tried my best to block it out I will never forget how scared I was when the assault took place, and 13 years later reliving my worst nightmare.”

Being told that Provan really was a police officer, as he had claimed to be, was “sickening”, she said.

The other victim, still a serving officer, said she had “lived in constant fear” that Provan would kill her, and felt he saw himself as “untouchable”.

She also felt the police had not dealt with Provan and failed to protect her, she told the court.


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