Charities affiliated with late Queen await news on whether they will get new royal patron


Charities affiliated with late Queen await news on whether they will get new royal patron

Hundreds of charities once affiliated with the late Queen remain in the dark over whether they will be given a new royal patron.

Many say they are optimistic – but the slimmed-down monarchy means many could miss out.

After the death of Queen Elizabeth, each of her royal patronages was sent a letter explaining there would be a review.

Nearly a year later the outcome is still not known.

Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff has a close connection with the monarchy, whose faces are carved into the stonework outside the building.

The late Queen and her father, George VI, were both royal patrons of the Friends of the Cathedral.

The charity hopes the King will take on the role.

King and Queen to visit France in September

“We support the heritage, the music, and the fabric of the cathedral. I’d like to think he would value what we do,” said the chair of the Friends, Linda Quinn.

“The Queen supported us, took an interest in what we did, and we used to feel very valued for that.”

Queen was royal patron of more than 600 charities

The late Queen was, at one time, royal patron of more than 600 charities and organisations, including the Dogs Trust.

The charity’s chief executive, Owen Sharp, said: “It was great having her associated… because we’re all about the love of dogs and everybody associated the Queen with loving dogs. We do some work internationally and the Royal Family travels well.”

He’s optimistic her patronage will be filled: “All the indications are that we will have a royal patron, obviously we don’t know who that will be, but we look forward to finding out.”

Charities affiliated with late Queen await news on whether they will get new royal patron

King said he would not have time for all his charities

The Royal Family hold 3,000 royal patronages.

Hundreds are vacant after the deaths of the late Queen and Prince Philip.

But the difficult departures of Prince Andrew and Prince Harry also left gaps.

Buckingham Palace is conducting a review of patronages including those held by the King and Queen.

In his first public address, the King explained he wouldn’t have time for all his charities.

‘It’s a symbiotic relationship’

Some have questioned the purpose of patronage, but Dr John Tribe, a senior lecturer in law at the University of Liverpool, believes the prominent positions do matter.

He said: “I like to refer to it as the patronage bargain… it’s a symbiotic relationship, it’s not just about the charity itself benefiting there’s also a reflected glow that the patron receives.”

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Buckingham Palace says the review is still under way to decide what happens next.

But take a look at the recent balcony moments and you realise the streamlined monarchy many want comes at a cost.

There simply aren’t enough working royals to fill the vacant roles, which were once the bread and butter of British public life.


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