Prince Harry receives a standing ovation as he opens Invictus Games in Germany


Prince Harry receives a standing ovation as he opens Invictus Games in Germany

Let’s be honest, not everything Prince Harry does goes down well these days.

But Invictus is different.

It’s more than a pet project, it’s his passion. It also feels like a homecoming for Harry.

Prince Harry receives a standing ovation as he opens Invictus Games in Germany

Prince Harry receives a standing ovation as he opens Invictus Games in Germany

As he stepped on to the stage to a standing ovation, this was Prince Harry back on familiar territory. He spoke in German, made a joke or two and the audience loved it.

Harry does this kind of thing well, it’s probably what he does best. And after a year of pretty negative headlines, this is a reset.

Even his harshest critics would agree Invictus has had a huge and positive impact.

There’s been speculation Meghan might not attend, her name apparently taken out of the official schedule, but Harry hinted she’d be there cheering on not just the US but the Nigerian team too.

Meghan an ‘ugly duckling’ at school who ‘never had anyone to sit with at lunch’

Prince Harry receives a standing ovation as he opens Invictus Games in Germany

Harry’s wasn’t the only standing ovation. The arrival of team Ukraine brought the audience to their feet.

And Harry singled out one team member, Taira, recently captured by the Russians, and feature of Harry’s Heart Of Invictus Netflix series.

Outside the Royal Family now, Harry can get closer to political issues.

The Ukrainian team, some of whom will be returning to the frontline, told me they’re grateful for his support and spotlight on the country’s conflict.

Earlier in the day, Harry had met the British team. Watch him mingling and it’s clear he’s comfortable and relaxed here.

Prince Harry receives a standing ovation as he opens Invictus Games in Germany

This is a very different Harry to the one we’ve seen and heard from recently.

The high court witness, the memoir writer, the bombshell interview-giver.

One member of team GB summed it up: “He may not get good headlines anywhere else but he’s not going to get a bad word off me.”

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Invictus is an important opportunity for Harry to rebrand and rebuild his reputation.

To reconnect with what he does best.

A lot is riding on these games, and Harry needs them to be a success.


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