Sinead O’Connor funeral – latest: Aerial pictures show fans line streets; Bob Geldof and Bono among mourners


Sinead O'Connor funeral - latest: Aerial pictures show fans line streets; Bob Geldof and Bono among mourners

Key points
    Fans say ‘last goodbye’ to Sinead O’Connor along Irish seafront in Bray, County WicklowBob Geldof and Bono understood to be at private funeral
    Aerial picture shows fans lining road outside singer’s former home Grammy-winning singer was treated ‘as one of their own’ by this quiet coastal community | David BlevinsWhat has her family said ahead of today’s private burial?
    Live reporting by Jess Sharp

14:07:56 Goodbye

That’s all our coverage of Sinead O’Connor’s funeral – thank you for following along. 

Hundreds of fans gathered along the streets of Bray, Country Wicklow to pay their final respects to the Irish singer, and a private service has taken place. 

Crowds cheered, clapped and sang as her cortege passed her former home, while some held up banners and threw flowers on the roof of the hearse. 

Irish president Michael Higgins, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, Bono and Bob Geldof were among the mourners who paid their respects. 

To read more about how today’s service unfolded, scroll down below.

13:46:57 Read the eulogy for Sinead O’Connor

A eulogy for legendary Irish singer Sinead O’Connor was led by Shaykh Dr Umar al Qadri from the Islamic Centre of Ireland, read at a private ceremony in Bray, Country Wicklow, earlier today. 

We can now share that eulogy in full with you:

“The more she sang and spoke about her own pain, as well as about the pervasive sins in society that she witnessed, the more her voice and her words resonated with listeners and touched their hearts. 

“Sinead never stopped her search to know God fully, exemplifying a life marked with a deep communion with God.

“Gifted with a voice that moved a generation of young people, she could reduce listeners to tears by her otherworldly resonance.”

“I know that peoples of all faiths throughout the world will be praying for this beloved daughter of Ireland, among them will be countless Muslims praying for their sister in faith and humanity.

“Sinead’s voice carried with it an undertone of hope, of finding one’s way home. 

“The Irish people have long found solace in song from the sufferings of this lower abode, and Sinead was no exception, and in sharing that solace, she brought joy to countless people the world over.

“May her family and loved ones find solace in the outpouring of love from the corners of this earth for this unique daughter of Ireland who moved so many hearts with her mighty voice and unflinching honesty as an artist, poet, and human being.

“Sinead had a poet’s heart and, I believe, would share with us today the sentiments of the poet, Rumi when he said: ‘This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief’.”

13:32:07 Watch: Mourners say farewell to Sinead O’Connor

Watch as mourners said their final farewells to legendary singer Sinead O’Connor. 

Hundreds flocked to Bray, County Wicklow to give their respects to the singer, who passed away at the age of 56. 

A campervan playing her music followed the procession, as members of the public reached out and touched the car as it passed them. 

13:18:50 Private service was ‘moving’ and ‘spiritual’, says chief imam

The private burial for Sinead O’Connor was “moving” and “spiritual”, the chief imam who delivered the funeral prayer has said.

Shaykh Dr Umar al Qadri from the Islamic Centre of Ireland said the service has “reflected the beautiful personality” of the late singer. 

“It was very spiritual and it reflected her Irish identity as well as her Muslim identity,” he added. 

“She was an amazing human being who was not just a great musician, artist, but one that would reach hearts of millions of people.” 

The Grammy-winning artist converted to Islam in 2018, adopting the name Shuhada Sadaqat.

She met Shaykh Dr Umar al Qadri in the same year.  

13:09:32 O’Connor had ‘no airs or graces’ about her – and enjoyed ‘ice cream with sprinkles’

Throughout today, it has become clear Sinead O’Connor was treated like a local by the community in Bray, County Wicklow. 

Many have spoken fondly of seeing her at parties, or helping people discreetly. 

Ann, who works in a kiosk opposite the singer’s former home, recalled how she used to visit with her son to get “ice cream with sprinkles”. 

She said the star had “no airs or graces” about her and was “very ordinary”. 

“When Sinead lived over there I had the kiosk here, and she used to come over for an ice cream with her younger son,” Ann said, as she stood waiting to pay her respects. 

“She’d come over for her little ice cream with sprinkles.”

She said she had considered not opening the kiosk out of respect for the late singer.

“But then I thought, Sinead loved the colour, she used to comment on the colours of the balls [hanging outside the kiosk],” she added. 

12:50:25 Bob Geldof and Bono understood to be at private funeral

Bob Geldof and U2’s frontman Bono are understood to be at Sinead O’Connor’s private funeral. 

Riding in a white taxi as part of the funeral cortege, Geldof passed mourners lining the street outside the late Irish singer’s former home.  

Earlier today, we heard from the president of Ireland who confirmed he would be attending the service. 

12:48:02 Aerial photos show crowds surrounding funeral procession

As Sinead O’Connor’s private burial gets under way, fans who have been lining the street outside her former home will be starting to disperse. 

Aerial photos have shown huge crowds surrounding the funeral procession as it travelled along Strand Road in Bray, County Wicklow. 

Cheers and applause could be heard as the cortege passed, with some stopping to throw flowers on to the roof of the hearse. 

12:40:33 O’Connor ‘suffered more than her share of hardship’

A eulogy for Sinead O’Connor at her private funeral has said she “suffered more than her share of hardship and adversity”.

Imam Shaykh Dr Umar al Qadri delivered the tribute, saying the Irish singer was “gifted with a voice that moved a generation”. 

“Sinead’s voice carried with it an undertone of hope, of finding one’s way home,” he said. 

“The Irish people have long found solace in song from the sufferings of this lower abode, and Sinead was no exception, and in sharing that solace, she brought joy to countless people the world over.”

12:22:17 Watch: Fans throw flowers on to hearse windscreen

As the hearse carrying Sinead O’Connor’s coffin arrived in Bray, for the final time, fans threw flowers on to its windscreen. 

NewsTalk FM reporter Henry McKean shared this clip on Twitter… 

By the time the cortege reached Strand Road – where mourners have gathers outside O’Connor’s former home – the hearse was covered in petals.

Crowds started to sing the 1990 hit Nothing Compares To U as it approached. 

The procession is now expected to head to a private burial. 

12:03:32 Sinead O’Connor’s coffin making its way along the Bray seafront

The hearse bearing Sinead O’Connor’s coffin is making its way along the Bray seafront. 

Fans lining the street outside her former home are throwing flowers, clapping and cheering as it passes. 

Some are reaching out to touch the car, kissing their hands each time they do.

A camper van playing her music is accompanying the procession. 

Our senior Ireland correspondent David Blevins says the Grammy-winning singer came to Strand Road in Bray to evade the limelight and to “fairly discreetly do her bit for people she felt were marginalised”. 

“There are so many stories in this town about how she reached out to those who were homeless, those who were struggling with addiction, those who were battling mental health difficulties,” he adds. 

“But she didn’t want any fuss about it, it was never publicised. She really was someone who had a very big heart and used her music to speak out on some of those issues.” 

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